Smoking Ban May Not Go on Ballot

By Pamela ONeal
The Haysville Times

Due to concerns of public health, the city council is considering a smoking ban to be put on November’s ballot. The proposed draft would “ban smoking inside and within thirty feet of public entrances to all public places of employment within its city limits” with several exceptions such as private homes, drinking establishments and bingo halls. The council voted to put it on the agenda for the first meeting in September, because Mayor Bruce Armstrong advised the council that election commissioner Bill Gale had said that they could not put the smoking ban question on the November ballot as a nonbinding referendum. After discussion by the council, they decided that the board should vote on the issue at the first meeting in September.
In an effort to reduce the number of drunk drivers, Haysville Police and the Kansas Highway Patrol are joining forces. This weekend, in a national effort to minimize drunk drivers, local authorities will be patrolling the 7000 block of South Broadway. The checkpoint will run from midnight Friday until 2 a.m. Saturday.
The city then approved the contract between USD 261 for use of the soccer fields for fall and spring soccer season. According to Recreation Director, Georgie Root, currently there are 73 kids signed up and sign ups will continue to be taken through Sept. 1st.
The council then moved to discuss the trash receptacle screening ordinance. After several ideas for revisions were discussed, it was decided to send the ordinance back to the attorneys for redrafting.
After hearing citizens’ concerns and acknowledging several thank you cards received by the city council, the meeting was adjourned.

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