Activity Center Groundbreaking To Be A Community Affair

2016_HAC groundbreaking
There is a community groundbreaking ceremony for the new Haysville Activity Center scheduled for Monday, March 28th. It will begin at 5:15 p.m. on the build site located next to the Dewey Gunzelman Memorial Swimming Pool at Sarah Lane and Clinton Avenue. The community is welcome and encouraged to participate.
Haysville Recreation Director Georgie Carter announced the scheduled groundbreaking at the March 14th City Council meeting, where she advised Council to “bring their shovels.” Although said in jest, Mayor Bruce Armstrong thought the idea had merit. “The Activity Center is meant to be used by everyone in town,” says Mayor Armstrong. “So I think it would be great if the whole community brought their shovels out to help us break ground.”
During the same meeting, the Council approved a bid from Accel Construction for construction cost totaling $3,331,400 and a sports package from Aalco Manufacturing for $44,980, bringing the total cost of the project to $3,376,380. The project is being funded by the voter approved 1% sales tax, and will not increase the mill levy. Accel Construction estimates it will take 340 days to build the new Haysville Activity Center.

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