CHS Students Win At BPA Competition

Campus High School students did extremely well at the Business Professionals of America State Leadership Conference held recently in Wichita.
(BPA) is a career and technical student organization headquartered in Columbus, Ohio. BPA aims to develop leadership, academic, and technological skills in the workplace among students and leaders within the community.
“We are very proud of the accomplishments of our students,” said Jeremy Willig, Campus BPA Adviser. “This is the most students CHS has ever sent to the national competition and the most state awards and top finishes CHS has ever received. We look forward to bringing home more titles again this year when we travel to the BPA National Competition in Orlando from May 8 to May 12.”
Campus BPA students will be fund-raising to help with the cost of the trip. Any donations can be sent to Campus High School, Attention Jeremy Willig, at 2100 W. 55th Street South, Wichita, KS 67217. Checks should be made payable to Campus High School BPA.
CHS students winning awards were:

1st Place in Network Design Team:
Dhonovan Hauserman, Somath Choup, & Darren Reeves.

3rd Place in Web Design Team:
Christian Amposta, Matt Miller, Addum Hoeun, & Cody Richardson.

Justin Lampkin:
1st Place in Business Meeting Management; 1st Place in Project Meeting Concepts; 4th Place in Fundamental Word Processing Skills; and 5th Place in Fundamental Accounting.

Somath Choup:
1st Place in Advanced Spreadsheet Applications.

Betsy Burke:
3rd Place in Fundamental Desktop Publishing.

Brady Byers:
1st Place in Computer Network Technology; 1st Place in Computer Programming Concepts;
2nd Place in Information Technology Concepts; and 2nd Place in Computer Security.

Bryan Braden:
1st Place in Insurance Concepts; 2nd Place in Computer Network Technology; and 4th
Place in PC Servicing & Troubleshooting.

Dhonovan Hauserman:
1st Place in Systems Administration using Cisco and 3rd Place in Information
Technology Concepts.

Zach Batt:
1st Place in Visual Basic Programming and 9th Place in PC Servicing & Troubleshooting.

Darren Reeves:
5th Place in PC Servicing & Troubleshooting.

Matt Miller:
2nd Place in Computer Programming Concepts and 7th Place in PC Servicing & Troubleshooting.

Logan Ayer:
1st Place in Computer Security and 1st Place in Information Technology Concepts.

Bailey Klien:
1st Place in Graphic Design Promotion.

Shawn McIntosh:
4th Place in Extemporaneous Speech

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