USD 261 Alumni Art Show

The City of Haysville and Haysville USD 261 are collaborating on the first USD 261 Alumni Art Show scheduled for October 5 & 6 at the Wire House Art Gallery, 209 South Hays Street.
The Alumni Art Show is being held in conjunction with Campus High School’s Homecoming weekend. The Wire House will be open on Friday, October 5 from 4 to 7 p.m. and on Saturday, October 6 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. and the general public is invited to check out the exhibit.
Deadline for submission of an application to exhibit art work is before September 10. For more information about the Alumni Art Show, contact Martha Brohammer at Campus High School at 316-554-2236, ext. 1804 or by email at or Kelsey Blue at the City of Haysville at 316-529-5922 or by email at The application packet for the Alumni Art show is available to download in the “District News” section of the USD 261 website at

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