Could Haysville Be The Next City To Be Bought?

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For years Derbyites have been smugly residing in their nice little town in their nice little (sometimes large) homes having their yards nicely manicured while unbeknownst to them a lawn service company had bigger plans then just keeping the city well groomed.
According to the headline Derby will be bought by the Suburban Landscaping company.
Could Haysville be the next city to be bought by this landscaping company or will Haysville’s own Jojac’s or Klean Kut beat them to it?
I suppose their could be worse companies to buy your city than a lawn care company. Maybe someone should check out that peep hole at the steam’n weenies place and see what’s really going on in there. Are they really steaming weenies or planing a municipal take over?

Note to self: Klean Kut needs to be added to the K for C list.

Please note: this and all other editorials on this site may not necessarily reflect the views of, it’s friends, sponsors or other contributors.

Read the article here.

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