Campus Scare

By Kimberly Garrett
The Haysville Times

Parents who have children attending Campus High School received the notice, printed below, on Wednesday, nearly a week after the school had received a threatening note on February 23. According to a tip, called into the Haysville Times by a parent of a CHS student, the school had not notified parents of the threat because of the purported difficulty in reaching all of the parents. Letters were finally sent out after the media had been made aware of the situation.

“We take a chance with our students every time we send them to the school” said Wanda Dunn a parent of a sophomore. According to students, school officials are telling them that they should still come to school. “I’m scared, we don’t know when it’s going to happen, our school is open and easy to get around”, said Jackie Loffland a Junior. Sandy Bradshaw Community Relations Coordinator for the district, has said that extra security is being looked into at this time.

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