Church Expansion Planned

By Ray Racobs
The Haysville Times

The main order of business for the Haysville Planning Commission, during their September 14th meeting, was to conduct a public hearing to consider a conditional use permit requested by Haysville’s First Baptist Church at 153 South Delos.
Pastor Phillip was present and addressed the board members to explain the request and answer questions. The church needs to expand and build an additional structure on the property that will be used for meeting spaces and Sunday school classrooms.
The only verbal or written concern that anyone from the public offered, in regards to the request, dealt with too many vehicles parking on the streets around the church. The pastor stated that there was enough space available in their parking lot for the members and he would address the matter with them.
The commission recommended approval of the conditional use permit with a few stipulations attached. The new structure would need to blend in architecturally with other buildings on the site and any added outside lighting should not interfere with the neighbors surrounding the church.
The street-side parking issue was also mentioned. If it continues to be a problem, “no parking” signs might be needed along the street to free up the congestion of having cars parked on both sides of the surrounding streets.
The next open meeting of the Haysville Planning Commission is scheduled for 7:00 p.m., September 28, 2006, at the Municipal Building, 200 W. Grand.

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