City to Vote on New School Plat

By Patricia Barkley
The Haysville Times

A joint workshop was held Tuesday between the City of Haysville and the Board of Education to discuss issues concerning the plans for the new middle school and elementary school. It was announced that the school district’s share of the cost for putting in a new sewage pipe would be two thirds of the total cost, $136,850, in keeping with the district’s estimated usage of the pipe. The majority of the discussion, however, centered on the Mayor’s and City Council’s objections to the district’s drainage plans for the land at the northwest corner of 71st and Meridian. Bruce Armstrong stated that the City used the County’s standard of a 1% grading on the land, and the school land was only at .25%. The district’s engineering consultants and the City’s consultant from PEC both felt that this would be fine, though, and the County has not voiced any objections. Putting in a swale was one possible solution, but the Council felt that the more expensive piping was the best plan. The next step will be for the City Council to vote on the plat for that land at their April 10 meeting.

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