Haysville Garden Tour

By Tricia Stithem
The Haysville Times

The Haysville Garden Tour Club had their first meeting this year at the Senior Citizen Center at 7 pm, March 7th. Phil Harris, who is organizing the garden tour, looks for a bigger turnout at the next meeting on Tuesday, March 21st, at the Senior Center. Everyone is invited to attend.
There are ten new gardens this year, and they should be even more interesting due to the showcasing with lights. The evening showing will be June 16th from approximately 7 pm to 10 pm. Saturday’s daytime showing will last to approximately 1 pm.
March 21st discussions will pertain to perhaps drawings for prizes, lists of gardens and extreme make over gardens. Come be apart of the fun. Banners and signs are needed, as well as further commitment from our Haysville people, according to Harris. Meetings will be every two weeks at the Senior Citizen Center in Haysville.

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