Chicks Dig It

Mark Curry of Haysville is trying his luck as a first time Hornet
driver at 81 Speedway this year. In talking about why he wanted to
start racing, he jokingly said, “Chicks dig it” (like his wife Sandi).
Also, it is good clean fun for the whole family.
Curry started building his hornet last fall and has been on the track one time this season practicing.
hornet driver chose the hornets because they are cheap to get into as a
first time driver. With a hornet everything is stock on them and then
you have to make it safe.
Curry has been drawing from his brother Marty Curry’s knowledge of racing. Both the Curry brothers race at 81 Speedway.
is really excited about this season; he hopes that he can look back at
the end of the season and say that they had fun and enjoyed the season.
has been married to his wife Sandi for eight years. They have two kids:
Emily, four years old, and Jacob, seven years old.
Curry is a CNC
Machinist and has lived in Haysville for about seven months. He enjoys
watching NASCAR. He also enjoys hunting, fishing, camping with his
family and riding a motorcycle.
Curry’s son Jacob chose the #9 for his dad’s car because his favorite NASCAR driver is Kasey Kahne.
wife Sandi is one of my biggest sponsors by being moral support and
running for parts. She also is real excited about racing,” said Curry.
of Curry’s sponsors provide support, knowledge or a trailer. His
sponsors are Dodd’s Chiropractic, Curry Racing, Yesteryears Classic Car
and Special T’s.
Curry stated it would be nice to have a sponsor
that would give you a little cash to help with fuel or repairs on a
weekly basis.
The hornets and cruisers first race of the season is
Sunday, April 2nd at 1:00 pm. So we hope you go out and help cheer Mark
Curry on to a victory.

By Cathy Loffland

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