Robot Enrolls at ECC

By Barb Walters
The Haysville Times

Photo Credit: Barb Walters

Thanks to a partnership between Wichita State University, the Educational Services and Staff Development Association of Central Kansas and the Boeing Charitable Trust, a robot has enrolled in the Haysville Schools.
Mandi Bennett, a teacher at the Early Childhood Center, is the recipient of the Roamer Robot 2006 Grant. Bennett reports that the students were very excited to hear about their new classmate. This robot will be able to go forward, backwards, turn at specific angles, sing and draw. The students will push buttons to program the robot to do various operations once they learn and understand the command buttons.
“This experience with the robot will give students hands-on experience, enhance their problem solving skills, and provide a visual to help understand some concepts,” explained Bennett. “Plus, I will be able to incorporate the robot into the curriculum and make it more meaningful to the students.”
The preschoolers sat in rapt attention earlier this week as their new pal drew neat shapes in specific sizes as programmed. When it came time to decide on a name, the highly popular choice of “Mrs. Bennett” was quickly vetoed by the teacher. Of the other names proposed by students, Robbie the Robot had overwhelming support.
In the days ahead, students will continue to explore Robbie’s capabilities. “This opportunity will give the kids a chance to learn more about technology and how we can use technology in our life to enhance our learning,” explained Bennett.

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