C-SPAN Rolls into Haysville

By Angie Gumm
The Haysville Times
Posted on January 19, 2:32 PM

Photo Credit: Angie Gumm

Haysville students got a taste of the political world last Friday when the 45-foot long, bright yellow C-SPAN bus stopped off at the middle school to teach the kids a little about government.
C-SPAN, the non-partisan political channel of public record, is trekking across the country on a ten-community tour in six states to promote C-SPAN in the Classroom. The local Cox Communications organized the Kansas stop. The Haysville Middle School was the only school in the state to be visited.
“You guys are doing an awesome job,” eighth grade Kansas History Teacher Michelle Powers told C-SPAN’s Heath Neiderer.
Neiderer and his colleague Stephanie Green gave several presentations to a total of about 80 students on the bus.
The two showed students how they can interview politicians like Bill Clinton in the bus, and make it look like an office by hanging a photo and restricting the camera angle. In fact, George Bush, Senior, had once been a passenger in the bus that came to Haysville.
Students were asked about current events and reminded why it’s important to stay informed about government activities.
“You guys are a few years away,” said Green. “But when you’re old enough to vote, and when you’re paying taxes you need to know what is going on.”
Powers thought the trip was worthwhile for the local students. “The students are engaged; it’s very good,” she said.

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