New Shelter Office Breaks Ground

The Haysville Times – December 15, 2005 – 3:28 PM
By Cathy Loffland

On Thursday afternoon December 15th, Dana and Dave Haislett were joined by friends and city officials for the groundbreaking on their new office park.
Dana Haislett is the owner of Shelter Insurance on North Main. “After 18 years of renting I decided it was time to own my own building,” said Dana.
Dana and her husband Dave have been working on this since February of this year and have kept it quiet because they didn’t want to jinx the whole thing. They bought the land that her current office is already on from the city. The new building will be built behind the current location of Shelter Insurance. This will be first of three phases of building on this property. The first phase will be about 2,000 square feet. Haislett will occupy half of the building. The other half of the property will be leased out.
Haislett contacted Kevin McMullen to find out how to acquire the building she wanted. McMullen is a client of Haislett’s and he also is a designer that works with K&M building.
McMullen and his partner own K&M building and they helped Haislett with everything from designing the office to building the new office park.
The dirt work will be started by the first of the year and the building will be ready for tenants to move in by May of 2006.
The new office park will be called Haysville Executive Park and will be a very nice addition to Haysville. It will have a stone front which will have a very professional look about it and be very appealing when people are driving down Main Street
The Shelter Insurance office will move in and have the same amount of space they already have. The old building will be moved or destroyed. The parking lot will go in that area.
“I’m very excited about the new building,” said Haislett.

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