104 Years of Memories for Oatville

The Haysville Times
By CJ Cross

Friday was an historic day for Oatville Elementary. There were 383 students in attendance, along with the Superintendent, BOE members, school staff, local families and Donald Thompson, with his family.
With a quick show of Oatville Indian spirit, the great dedication started off with a “thank you” to all who made things possible. Next came a ceremony with Mr. Thompson cutting the ribbon and ringing the bell.
Donald Thompson, who will turn 104 in February, attended Oatville in 1905, when it was just one room with one teacher. He walked miles to school, because there were no buses. He could remember the school and how it was when he was a young boy. He had actually kept that bell in his own back yard until the family came together and decided to refinish and return it to its home place at Oatville.
The bell was re-dedicated in honor of Donald Thompson and his family’s legacy at Oatville and in remembrance of his great-grandson, killed in 2002 in a bicycle accident.
Many were there to thank him for making this all possible, from the lime-stone to the refinishing of the bell, which was funded by donations from those in the Oatville community. A great deal of hard work and love went into the project at Oatville, and with the sun shining, it made for a great day!
The Oatville Indians cheered in appreciation and excitement to their old, yet new, addition to their school. May we enjoy another 100 years of memories at Oatville.

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