Library funding jeopardized

The Haysville Times
By Angie Gumm

Because of an effort to reduce the mill levy, the budget of the Haysville Community Library could be up for debate at Monday’s budget workshop.
“I just want to give them a fair amount of money,” said council member Ken Hampton, who brought up the possible reduction. “Our library receives the highest mill levy in Sedgwick County.”
Hampton said that since the budget workshop this Monday he has gotten half a dozen e-mails, telling him the importance of what the library offers.
“I do know the library does offer a lot of good programs,” said Hampton. “They are improving and expanding.”
The council member says he just doesn’t think the library should be a kind of sacred cow, where its budget is beyond examination.
“I’m not for shutting anything down,” he said. “I just don’t think any group should have anything they want, anywhere they want, anytime they want it. You have to be as fair as you can to all the departments.” Continue reading “Library funding jeopardized”

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