Area De-annexed, Lindsay Resigns

The Haysville Times
By Ken Klein

In the Haysville City Council chambers, it was standing room only as a historic night unfolded that would affect many Haysville citizens. A Public Hearing for the vacation of properties from City boundaries was held, requested by the property owners – the Loibl, Norton, Mosteller, Swenson, Byers, Hying, Clark, Tilson, Knight, Benner, Glidden, Greiving, Whiteman, Valasquez, Hudson, Czajkowski, and Meadows families.
But before that, Council member Mitch Lindsay announced that effective immediately, he was resigning as Council member for the City of Haysville. “I am moving out of my Ward and can no longer represent you”, he said. He packed up his papers and took a seat alongside of the property owners.
In October of 2003, the City had unilaterally annexed the properties of those families. Only two states remain – Kansas and Nebraska – that allow cities to unilaterally annex properties. And just like that time about two years ago, the families lined up, one after the other, for an opportunity to stand behind the podium and address Mayor Armstrong and the City Council to tell them just what they thought.
Chuck Tilson addressed the Council. “Annexation should occur before people buy their homes. Other than police, we receive no extra services for that 40% increase in taxes. The bottom line is – we were forced to be annexed.” Council member Holub asked Tilson, “In future years, how could you continue to maintain your properties without annexation? I drove down near your yard. The driveway really needs attention. Do you think you can maintain it?” “Yes,” said Tilson.
To read more buy this weeks Haysville Times!

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