School Tax Amount

The Haysville Times
By Patricia Barkley

The Board of Education held a special meeting on March 8 to discuss a resolution to call for a bond election. The issue is part of the facilities changes that have been under consideration recently. The district’s financial advisor, Charles Boully, from George K. Baum and Company, was in attendance to advise the Board, and architects Ken Helmer and Bob Faires, from Howard and Helmer Architects, were also present. Faires and Helmer gave a short presentation on the history of their work with the district, which started in the second half of 2003. Among the priorities that they eventually laid out for the district was a new high school, but that will be delayed to phase two of their plans in order to reduce the amount of funding asked for in the bond, which is now at $49 million. The State will pay for about forty-six percent of that, and the tax increase for a $100,000 home will be around $6.50.
Boully explained that the resolution was necessary to start the process for the bond election. When requested funds exceed fourteen percent of a district’s official state valuation, it is a statutory requirement for an application to be sent to the State Board.
Audience members were given time to address the Board, and both Jeff and Donna Wilson spoke. Both expressed concern that the district should concentrate more on building new facilities than simply renovating the old ones.
The resolution to call for a bond election was approved, 6-1, with Board member Greg Fenster opposed and member Seth Konkel on conference call.

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