Grand May Reopen Soon

The Haysville Times
By Angie Gumm

If things go according to plan (and hopes), Grand will be re-opened before the first City Council meeting in March.
“It’s very exciting,” said the City’s Carol Neugent. “I’m trying not to be too optimistic because it is all dependent on the weather.”
Despite the cautious attitude, the City expects things to be open before March 14.
Neugent said the City will have a four-day window from the time the concrete is poured until the middle three lanes of Grand will be ready to open. At that point, a ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place and the winner of the Baja Beetle that the City is giving away as part of their Railroad Rewards contest will be the first to drive their new car on the re-opened Grand.
The Historic District Committee is planning a full celebration when the project is complete.
The Mayor announced this week that the drawing for the Volkswagon will take place at the February 28 City Council meeting. City employees went through the east side of town this week to collect the “Shop-at-Home Boxes,” which have become a fixture of Haysville businesses since the contest began in December of 2003. The City has given away $6,000 to Haysville shoppers since then. In order to qualify for the “Bug” drawing, shoppers must have won one of the previous Council Meeting drawings. Anyone looking for one last chance to win should visit Haysville businesses on the west side and sign-up at those boxes before February 28. As there will not be much chance for advance notice of the ribbon-cutting, residents should tune into Channel 7 for more information. Of course, the Haysville Times will announce when the event takes place if the four-day notification window falls on Monday-Thursday.

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