Riding High In Haysville

While on the bike & walking path getting your exercise, dont be surprised if you catch a glimpse of a local teen using the path to get high. This Campus student is taking bike riding to new heights. Jason, a bicycle enthusiast and builder, along with the help of a neighbor has just finished his latest ride known in custom bicycle circles as a tall bike (imagine that). At over 6 feet tall Jason says the bike gets a lot of stares, comments and questions. The most frequently asked question being “how do you get down?” Jason tells me there are 2 ways to dismount the bike. Only one of them is preferred.

Dont expect Jason to always be high though. He also cruises town on his low-rider or one of his other custom bikes. Classic, custom, hi-tech or odd and unusual, you never know what youll encounter with two wheels on Haysvilles bike path.

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