What: 9th annual Hallowheelie at the Thursday Night Pub Pedal.
When: October 29th 7:00PMish
Where: Shamrock Lounge, Wichita, KS.
What Else: Ride in costume & decorate your bike.
Bicycles At The Ballfield
What: Bicycles At The Ballfield – bicycle show & swap.
When: Oct 24th. 10am-4pm.
Where: Garvin Park, Augusta Kansas.
What Else: All proceeds go to the Augusta High School Music Program. Free to vendors, show participants, and the public. Raffle bike for the adults, and free raffle for the kids to win a bike.
2015 Midwest Bicycle Fest
Another fun festival. I can’t thank everyone enough. So many people have contributed but for fear of leaving someone out I won’t list names. You know who you are and your contributions have been greatly appreciated and are what kept this event going. It’s been a great 11 years.
Save The Baby – Austin
Tire Toss (adult) Dan
Tire Toss (kid) Larissa
People’s Choice – Judd Thornburg
Best Classic – Steve Stang
Best Kustom – Abraham
Steve’s Choice Schwinn – Steve Scott
Steve’s Choice Kids – Evie Miller
Best Non-Schwinn Ed Antrim
Best Klunker – David McDonnell
Best Ratrod – Abraham
Best Ladies – Katie McMullen
Best Accessorized – Judd Thornburg
Fab Fork – Brent Pickering
Best Paint – Adam Brownfield
Best Springer Fork – Adam Brownfield
Best Banana Seat Bike – Judd Thornburg
Best Muscle Bike – Isaiah Thornburg
Best Tank Bike – Jeremy Hancock
Best Chrome – Rod Patten
Committee’s Choice
Cyvannah Warner
Cameron Eyehorn
Judd Thornburg
Bobby Wood
Travy Lankford Jr.
Save The Baby video…
Parade Ride video…
Midwest Bicycle Fest Custom Built Raffle Bikes
We’ve given away many new and custom built bikes over the 11 years of the Midwest Bicycle Fest. Pictured are just the custom built.
2007 built on location by Dan Welty.
2008 built by Randy Van Scyoc.
2010 Built and donated by Mitch Clothier but not built specifically for the fest.
2011 built by Cameron for the fest.
2011 Built and donated by Cameron but not built specifically for the fest.
Midwest Bicycle Fest September 27th
Zombie Night Pretty Dead
The Riding Dead
Funny Hat Night 2
Delano District Looking For Help
The Delano District could use your help regarding a couple of bike related projects… Phase III of the Delano Bike Racks and development of the Chisholm Trail Parkway (the railway corridor north of Douglas). If you are interested in serving on either of these committees or would just like to know more, please attend a Delano Mixer on Tuesday, August 25th at Mexico Café Delano from 5:30 to 8:00. There will be information on the bike racks, the parkway and several other projects that they have going on.