Category Archives: Wichita Cycling News

Plans For East Douglas Include Bike Lanes

Douglas Design District plans for East Douglas street include bike lanes.

Here’s what they’d like to do:

Install historic street lighting along Douglas from Washington to Oliver and bury overhead utility lines.

Paint on-street bike paths.

Replace sidewalks where they’re in rough shape.

Add bike racks, trash cans, bus shelters, benches and historical markers.

Reduce the speed limit from 35 mph to 30 mph from Washington to Rutan (just east of Hillside).

Put elevated medians in the street from Washington to Hydraulic.

Full article here.

Are You Riding A Bicycle Illegally? story on bicycle licenses…

The city says a license helps protect a bike if it?s lost or stolen, helps with identification if a rider is in an accident and provides money for new bike trails and maintenance.

And if a rider is caught without one of the yellow tags, they could be out more than the license itself costs. Instead of paying just $7.50, they would pay a $10 ticket plus $66 in court costs ? an expense Davenport and Severson would like to avoid.

Read the entire story here.

Wichita Eagle Article On Bike Lanes


Douglas and other streets could be repainted in the future to include room for bicycle lanes.

Some Wichita City Council members are beginning to see bicycling not just as recreation but as a form of transportation, a partial solution to an increasingly obese population and a way to reduce air pollution.

Read the entire story here.

Wichita Bicycle Collective

From Craigslist ad

so here’s the deal- some fellow cyclists and I are working on a community bike shop, a non-profit co-op with the goal of promoting bikes as viable transportation by teaching bicycle maintenance and repair while recycling discarded or donated bicycles into affordable, sustainable transportation. We’re calling it the Wichita Bicycle Collective. These types of organizations exist in many other cities and we feel Wichita is long overdue for a little progress in this area. To learn more, visit, If this is something you’d like to see happen, we need your help! Donate your time, money, or old bikes or parts and tools, the most important part of a community bike shop is the COMMUNITY, and it won’t happen without YOU.

The Wichita Bicycle Collective website says it is coming soon and has a contact link.

Bicycle Skills and Safety Clinics

The Wichita Police Depatment’s annual bicycle Clinics are held in June and July. They are FREE and open to children ages 6-11.
From the Police Department’s website…

These clinics are designed to teach skilled and safe bicycle riding and include classroom instruction, films and skill instruction on bicycle skilled courses. The clinics will include a presentation by a trauma nurse from via Christi Regional Medical Center-St. Francis Campus about bike helmets use. Each child will be limited to attending one of the six-hour days provided for his/her age group.

More info and schedule here