Author Archives: admin

Bluz Cruz WIchita #4

Bluz Cruz Wichita #4 actually took place in Haysville following the swap meet. Due to the weather and people busy with swap stuff it was a small group but we kept it going and had a good time. We rode from the swap to the VFW. Thanks to Joe for leading the ride.

Midwest Bicycle Swap 2018

What a weekend! The weather definitely not in our favor but a great time was still had. Saturday evening the pre-swap ride was pretty much a bust but we still met up in a warm place to socialize. Thanks to Tim and family for having us.
Sunday was another great swap despite the weather. Thanks to Tim and all that helped to put it on.

I forgot to take photos until many were gone and others packing up.

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Bluz Cruz Wichita #3 Photos

17 participants.. We rode around the southeast part of town.


St Patrick’s Parade Photos 2018

Thanks to everyone who participated and to Teri B. for the photos.

Basket Night Photos

Bluz Cruz Wichita #2

30mph wind with 40mph gusts didn’t stop us. Sure slowed us down though. Fun time. Thanks to Ike & Rita for their hospitality.

Suit Night At The Pub Pedal

Suits and ties, pant suits, rain suits and a hazmat suit. What a fun and handsome bunch we are.