Author Archives: admin

Bicycles At 2013 Starbird-Devlin Rod & Custom Show

“The Wichita Tradition” 56th Annual
January 18, 19, 20, 2013

Century II Performing Arts & Convention Center
225 West Douglas, Wichita, KS

Bicycle Competition

Schedule of Events:
Set up on Thursday, January 17th from 6:00pm till 9:00pm in the balcony.
Viewing will be during show hours on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday.
Awards ceremony will be held Saturday afternoon.
Show is over at 5:00pm on Sunday.

The classes this year are…

– Antique Pre-1940
– Antique 1940 and Newer
– Custom
– Rat
– Junior (16 and under)
– Miscellaneous
And there will be a Best of Show.

Price to enter is $20.00 for up to Four bicycles. (Additional bikes require new entry!)
Send in your registration form along with money and pictures of the bikes to be entered (they will also take entries the night of set up $25 reg fee).
For more information contact: Tim Devlin 316-265-2088, or Adam Brownfield 316-945-6102.
Starbird-Devlin website.

Registration Form

There are 3 pages. 1 & 2 must be printed, filled out and mailed in. Page 3 you can either print or read online. (Requires free Adobe Acrobat Reader)
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Bicycle Competition Sponsored by Tom Sawyer Bicycle Shop


From Rotten Ralph…

The frigid weather didn’t stop the die hard Coasters from their yearly Halloween cruise. There were decorated bikes and costumes & CANDY at this years event. Dependable Dangerous Dan put on quite a show with his rendition of…Phantom of the Bicycle. This guy must never sleep ! He sat at his Bicycle Pipe Organ and entertained the crowd with his Spooky tunes. Myself (Rotten Ralph)….I decided to portray the Famous Delano Crime Fighter…Steve Yager !! You know the owner of “Club Billiards” that thwarted a would be robber that tried to rob him. He graciously posed with me for a photo. Barbara portrayed the “Robber”& I kept putting my play gun to her head and saying…”You Mean like this”. Just like Steve said to the robber. Scary Stuff here !! LOL

Redbud Path Designs for Public Review

You have an opportunity to provide input about the designs for the Redbud path. The draft designs will be presented at the November 5th City of Wichita District Advisory Board I meeting and are tentatively scheduled for review by the City Council on December 4th (details below). The segment of the Redbud Path under design is from I-135 to Oliver Avenue. The majority of the path has been paved and the new designs will help to complete the project by showing the location and design for the bridge over the Chisholm Creek (I-135 Canal), at-grade street crossings, neighborhood connections, landscaping, lighting, path furniture, and art.

The November 5th presentation will provide D.A.B. I an opportunity to recommend whether the City Council should approve the designs and funding for construction. Public comments are welcome and encouraged throughout the process. Individuals who wish to provide comments are encouraged to do so either in person or in writing. If you would like to provide input but are unable to attend the D.A.B. I meeting, then you can submit written comments to LaShonda Garnes, Neighborhood Assistant (contact info below). If you have any questions about the project, then you can contact the City project manager Julianne Kallman, Senior Engineer at or 268.4236.

November 5th
City of Wichita District Advisory Board I
6:30 pm
Atwater Neighborhood City Hall (2755 E. 19th St)

Contact: LaShonda Garnes, Neighborhood Assistant

Midtown House Tour

From Rotten Ralph…

The Coasters had fun at the 40th anniversary walking tour. Steve, Larry, Barbara & Ralph showed up with a few Bicycle treasures and road up and down the streets all day. Met quite a few people & were really appreciated by the “Historic Midtown Citizens Association”. We are definitely invited back next year. For those of you that didn’t make it this year. Please plan to next year. The houses were absolutely gorgeous. It was just a wonderful way to enjoy Wichita & your Bicycles !!

Photos by Ralph…