Author Archives: admin

Post Apocalyptic Pub Pedal

The world as we once knew it is gone. Climate change, giant asteroids, solar flares, nuclear war and texting drivers have devastated the earth. The only people to survive were those who’s lungs and legs were strong from many years of riding old, heavy, single-speed bicycles.
Where oil and gold were once the commodities we sought, we now beg, barter and steal to obtain what is now the worlds biggest yet disappearing commodity, the fuel needed to keep those who survived the apocalypse alive… beer.

Post Apocalyptic Pub Pedal (aka Mad Max Night).
June 4th 7:00PMish at the Shamrock Lounge, Wichita.
Dress up yourself and/or your bike with a Mad Max theme.

Schweiter Bicycle Boulevard

Work was recently completed on the Schweiter Bicycle Boulevard which is Wichita’s first bicycle boulevard.

“A bicycle boulevard is a low-speed street which has been “optimized” for bicycle traffic. Bicycle boulevards discourage cut-through motor-vehicle traffic but allow local motor-vehicle traffic. They are designed to give priority to bicyclists as through-going traffic. They are intended to improve bicyclist comfort and/or safety..”

Continue reading “Schweiter Bicycle Boulevard”

Photos From Tandem Night IX

We had at least a dozen tandems of varying types show up for this year’s Tandem Night. Thanks to all who came out.

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Video of some of the group in the parking garage.

2015 Midwest Bicycle Swap

From Mitch the swap organizer…

This year’s swap was cool and breezy but it didn’t slow us down one bit. We had sellers from Missouri, Arkansas, Nebraska, Iowa, and Oklahoma. I didn’t get a vendor count.. but I do know the facility was packed. Hundreds upon hundreds of bicycles to choose from… it was amazing. Local Boy Scout troop #895 was on hand with biscuits and gravy and homemade cinnamon rolls for breakfast, and Hamburgers and pulled pork sandwiches for lunch. This was my 6th year for organizing this event, and my last… I hand off this event to Tim Thompson and have no doubt the swap will continue for years to come. Thanks everyone for attending and making this event what it is.

Video of Pre Swap Garage Riders…

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Garden Gala Ride

What: Garden Gala Ride. A ride to Botanica’s Garden Gala Spring Event. In addition to viewing the gardens there will be shopping, live music, food trucks and alcohol.
When: Sunday, May 3rd. Ride leaves at 1:00pm sharp.
Where: Ride leaves from the Lawrence Dumont Stadium parking lot North End. Come early for food and/or drinks at the Monarch Lounge before we leave.
What Else: Free admission!

Inspired To Ride

Bike Walk Wichita is excited to announce the Kansas Premier of Inspired to Ride, a documentary following a handful of cyclists from around the world as they race unsupported inaugural (2014) Trans Am Bike Race, following the famed Trans America Trail and passing through Newton, KS. Their mission is to cover 4,233 miles, traversing through ten states in a transcontinental adventure of epic proportions.
Follow the journey as these cyclists prepare, compete and experience what riding 300 miles a day feels like with only a few hours sleep. No teams, no support vehicles, no special jerseys and not a dime in prize money.
The movie will kick-off Bike Month on Thursday, April 30 at 7pm at the Murdock Theater (536 N Broadway). Doors open at 6pm and the movie will begin at 7pm. Billy Rice and other special guests will be in attendance, you’re not going to want to miss this event!
Details and ticket info can be found online at

Thursday Pub Pedal

At this week’s Pub Pedal we had a visitor (whose name I’ve forgotten) join us from Seattle. Also contrary to popular belief, Peewee’s bike wasn’t in the basement of the Alamo in San Antonio. We found what’s left of it atop a parking garage in Wichita.