Author Archives: admin

New Years Day Pub Pedal

As is tradition, let’s get the new year off to a rolling start.
This year we’ll do a daytime Pub Pedal to ring in the new year.
Meet 1:00pm at the monarch 579 W Douglas for beverages and/or food. We’l ride from there to old Town.
Even if you don’t ride, come on out to wish your bicycle buds a Happy New Year.

Our 9th Annual Christmas Lights Cruise

Another great Christmas Lights Cruise. A good turn-out despite the sub-freezing temperature. Unfortunately though Santa had a blow-out and couldn’t finish the ride. Thanks to all who came out.

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Christmas Lights Cruise

What: Our 9th annual Christmas Lights Cruise. A leisurely ride to view the lights.

When: Thursday, December 17th 7:00pm

Where: Shamrock Lounge, 1724 W Douglas, Wichita, KS

What Else: Decorate your bike and wear an ugly/gaudy Christmas sweater/shirt/vest.

Taj – Mahal Tour

Slight change of plans for tomorrow. Due to some construction issues we won’t be able to get inside the main house tomorrow. We will still be getting together at Dave’s to socialize and eat and may still go tour the outside of the house and the carriage house. Hope to see you there.

What: Tour the Taj – Mahal. This is the house we toured back in May while under construction. It’s now almost finished.
When: Saturday 11-21-15 The owner will give us a tour around 12:00pm, so show up around 11:00am.
Where: David L’s house.
What Else: Bring a covered dish and a beverage of your choice. The heat will be on at both houses. You can ride or drive.
If you don’t know where Dave lives then get a hold of someone that does.

Our First Cranksgiving

Photo: Dale L.

Thank you everyone who came out to this first time event. I think we did really good especially considering the wind and that one store was closed. Some bought extra food. Some who couldn’t make the ride brought by donations. Some even worked lunch and beverage stops and sight-seeing into their ride. Thanks Tara for sitting out in the cold wind and managing things for us. Hope everyone had as good of a time as I did. I estimate we got well over 60 food items. I can see us doing this again next year. Thanks Dave L, and both Dales for the photos here.

Cranksgiving 2015

First year for this event so it may be a little informal and forgive us in advance if there are flaws and/or poor organization.

What: Cranksgiving. A bike ride & food drive. Food that is collected will be donated to the Kansas Food Bank.
When: Sunday, November 15th. 12:00pm. Ride leaves at 12:30pm – return by 3:00pm.
Where: Hyde Park – 201 S Greenwood St, Wichita, KS.
Ride Distance: I estimate the minimum distance for 1 stop at 3 miles. All 5 stops 16 miles.

How It Works…
You will pick up an envelope containing a manifest. Write your full name on the envelope.
Using a route and order of your choice, ride to as many of the locations listed on the manifest that you can, and purchase 1 non-perishable food item from each store.
You must collect a receipt from each purchase. On that receipt there needs to be only one item. Save your receipt and place it in your envelope.
Once you have purchased a food item from each store on the manifest (or as many as you can) return to the start point. Write your name on the back of all of your receipts. Turn in your food items and receipts.
The first person to return by 3:00pm with all of the items & receipts will win a prize. Also everyone who returns by 3:00pm with at least one food item & receipt will be eligible to win a prize. The more receipts you have the better your odds of winning.

What You Will Need…
A bike.
Money or CC to purchase food items.
A basket, backpack, bag, rack, pannier, trailer etc.. to carry up to 5 food items.
A watch or other means of keeping track of the time.
A helmet and a lock are strongly recommended.

What Else…
Hit as many or as few of the stores on the manifest as you like.
We encourage you to ride in pairs or teams but each individual is expected to collect food items.
The event is on, rain, snow or shine.
You should be able to access all of the stores easily mostly by bike path. Some may require riding a short distance on street or it’s sidewalk.

Recommended items to purchase…
Canned tuna, chicken and ham
Canned fruits and vegetables
Peanut butter
Beans – canned or bagged
Bagged rice
Dry cereal and/or oatmeal
Hamburger Helper

Hallowheelie 2015 Photos

Another awesome Hallowheelie. Thanks to everyone who came out.

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Toys For Tots Bicycle Ride

What: Toys For Tots Bicycle Ride
When: November 8, 2015 at 1:00 PM
Where: Exploration Place West parking lot
What Else: The 4 mile route will be along the Arkansas River Path so there will be no street crossings (pending completion of path construction scheduled on east side of river at 1st Street Bridge). Perfect for every age of elf. The Marines will meet us at the park to receive toys, non-perishable food items and cash donations. Refreshments will also be available. Last year over 250 riders donated 344 toys and over $300 in cash. Help us make this year the best ride ever. For more information visit the community page on
The Tornado Alley Young Marines, Reverie Roasters, and friends and family of Lee’s Bike Shop will be at the park to provide drinks, cookies, and thanks to all of the riders that attended.

Midtown Historic Tour Ride

Saturday, October 10th.
Meet at North High 1:00pm.

We’ll ride to tour some of Midtown’s magnificent old homes plus there will be refreshments, music and more
Coasters that ride an antique bike and agree to ride it around the tour area for at least one hour and your tour ticket is free! (The organizers of this event like to have the antique bikes out to add to the atmosphere of the tour.) Wear vintage clothing if you have it.

If you have questions please contact Larry.

More info on the tour here.