Author Archives: admin

Ride The Redbud

What: A cruise on Wichita’s Redbud trail
When: Sunday, March 20th 1:00pm
Where: Hyde Park – 201 S Greenwood (1 blk South of Douglas 1 blk West of Hydraulic)
What Else: This will be a leisurely ride of about 10 miles with multiple stops to learn about some of the areas history. We leave at 1:00pm so get there a little early.

Facebook event page.

Coasters In St Patrick’s Parade

The Coasters will be riding in the 10th Annual St. Patrick’s Parade on Saturday, March 12th, 2016.

The parade starts at noon. Please be at the staging area in the Metropolitan Baptist Church/Lawrence Dumont Stadium parking lots no later than 11:30am.

As is our tradition we’ll follow up the parade with a pub Pedal.

If you ride with us in the parade, please give $1 to help cover the cost of the parade entry fee. Look me (Randy) up the day of the parade to donate.

In order to continue to be asked to participate in this fun parade please follow these simple rules…
You must decorate your bike and/or yourself in a St Patrick’s Day/Irish theme.
No fast or trick riding allowed!
Do not throw candy or gifts but you can hand these things out.

More info on the parade here.

Ride To Bike Walk Wichita Open House

Bike Walk Wichita is having an open house on Sunday, January 31st. We’ll meet at the Monarch Lounge 1:00pm and ride to the open house from there.
The open house is from 2:00 – 6:00pm at 131 S Laura.

If you’re not familiar with Bike, Walk Wichita this is a great opportunity to find out what their about.

From Bike Walk Wichita…
“Join us as we celebrate our new BWW Headquarters where all the magic happens! Drop in and find out all that’s going on in 2016 and how you can be a part of the local movement!

Food and beverages will be provided…of course! Let’s Party!!!”

Ride Saturday

Sorry for the short notice but let's get together and ride/socialize tomorrow (Saturday). 1:00pm at the Vagabond. We'll figure out the rest from there.

Posted by Coasters Bicycle Club on Friday, January 22, 2016

New Years Day Pub Pedal 2016 Photos

What a beautiful day and a great time! Thanks everyone for coming out. Thanks Dave for feeding the last of us cornbread & black-eyed peas.

Thanks to Terri B for some of the photos.

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