From the Wichita-Sedgwick County Metropolitan Area Planning Department…
Yesterday, the Wichita City Council unanimously endorsed the Wichita Bicycle Master Plan, the creation of the Wichita Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board, and the submission of the recommended City of Wichita TE applications.
The City Council action to endorse the Wichita Bicycle Master Plan (Plan) makes it an official guide for the provision of infrastructure, policies, and programs related to bicycling by the City of Wichita. The Plan is a 10-year guide for the provision of bicycle infrastructure, policies, and programs in both the City of Wichita and the Wichita 2030 Urban Growth Area. More than 4,000 individuals received information about the Plan, participated in creating it, and/or received information about the Plan. The Plan includes goals, objectives, actions, priorities, and performance measures along with a recommended 10-year Priority Bicycle Network of more than 140 miles of new bicycle facilities.
Construction of the Priority Bicycle Network is feasible. The planning level estimate costs to construct the Priority Bicycle Network are $12.5 million – approximately equal to one percent of the planned 10-year future investments in Wichita bridges, roads, and freeways. The City currently allocates $500,000 every other year in the Capital Improvement Program for bike enhancement projects. This funding ($2.5 million over 10 years) can be utilized to apply for and leverage up to an additional $10 million in federal funding. This would result in approximately $12.5 million available to construct the Priority Bicycle Network. Please note that the endorsement of the Plan did not allocate any funding for bicycle projects. Utilization or allocation of funding to implement the Plan will require separate action.
The City Council also took action to create the Wichita Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Board (Board). The Board will provide on-going accountability for implementing the Plan, and identify opportunities for making improvements for bicycling and walking. The Board can accomplish this by providing advice on many topics, including but not limited to: the Wichita Bicycle Master Plan; plans related to bicycling and walking; priorities for maintenance and development of bicycle facilities; deigns for new facilities; language for ordinances and regulations pertaining to bicycling and/or walking; and many other topics. We will be posting more information on the City website in the next few weeks. This information will include a description about the board and instructions about how to apply. We will also distribute an email to this distribution list with a link to the information.
In addition, the City Council also approved the submission of applications for federal funding through the Transportation Enhancement (TE) program to develop bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The bikeway project applications account for approximately 36 miles and approximately 24 percent of the Wichita Bicycle Master Plan 10-year Priority Bicycle Network. The applications are due by February 15th. You can help the City to secure this funding by sending letters or emails of support for the City projects to the Kansas Department of Transportation and Wichita Area Metropolitan Planning Organization. Writing letters and/or emails of support should take approximately five minutes.
More info and news coverage here.