Bicycles on display at the Sedgwick County Museum.

The ladies bicycle, an 1894 Overman Wheel Company Victoria, was donated by Emmett Carpenter, of Hamilton’s Bicycles, in 1979. According to Mr. Carpenter, this was the first ladies’ bicycle sold in Wichita.

The Burt Bicycle was donated by Shirlene Jackson in 1985. Burt Bicycle Company was in Wichita. The 1894 Wichita City Directory lists Burt & Stage Bicycles at 152 N. Market; 1896 Burt Cycle Company at 106 S. Lawrence; 1898 Burt Bicycle Manufacturing Company, 239 N. Main. It was not listed after 1900.
Thanks to Ed Antrim for the photos and Jami Frazier Tracy, Curator of Collections at the museum for the information.